Ava's Blog - Life with an independent thinker.


Friday, August 26, 2005

Finally? Well, Mow My Yard and I'll Blog!

So it's no excuse for all of you out there in no-Ava-having land...but I've been busy this week. Sorry for the lack of updates.

We've been for a few walks around the neighborhood now, and Ava loves to be outdoors. Gotta be careful, of course, of the sun. So we go in the evening when it's nice. A lot of nice people out and about. Ava is getting more vocal every day. She'll talk and make noise at us, and smile and squeal. It's so much fun! And she giggle so much when you tickle her. It's a riot. I can't believe it's almost 5 months now. Seems like only yesterday...

We're doing lots of tummy time, getting her ready for crawling. She doesn't particularly like it, but we fool her and keep her busy. Granmda M is back to work now, as is Grandpa C. So now it's just Nani (that's pronounced "nonny" - and it's Grandma C -- Becky came from work with that one) watching little one now. I don't where Becky and I would be without the Grandma's. We're so grateful they're around to help. The Grandpa's too, of course!

And my dad...still no smoking! We're so proud of him for giving it up for Ava. She says thank you Grandpa :) On with the pics!

"You never show me holding our daughter..." Well there you go, babe! :)
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Hehe...dada's funny.
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You wouldn't think in my armpit would be the ideal napping place. Just proves I don't work hard enough to sweat!
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"Mama, I want some!"
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"Alright, I'll take the teether instead. Buzzzzz" (it vibrates to ease teething pain)
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Getting so big! (see note at end)
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Look at those feet!
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She loves to have her hand on Becky's jaw when she nurses. It's so cute. But she doesn't do it when I give her a bottle, only with mama!
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Hanging 'out' (side) with Grandpa and Grandma M. Think she's digging the old folks?!
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So we're trying to get Ava to nap on her own. It was mostly dada pushing it, but now I have a hard time putting her down. I tried no les than !5! times Thursday. She woke up each time. So I finally cuddled her for 2 hours as she slept. It's my favorite thing to do in the evenings, but I know she needs her alone time. We don't want to spoil her. Well the picture of Ava in the bed is proof I do put her down when I can!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice posting,Ava's Dad!!! WHAT A REMARKABLE DAUGHTER YOU HAVE!! (Sweet disposition also)

3:47 PM  

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